September melodies

September is a special month in Poland because it is marked by the anniversary of the beginning of WWII. Someone might say that so many years have passed, but in Poland time flows differently due to the still felt effects of this war. For Poland, it was not the beginning of the war, but the implementation by Germany of the satanic plan to eliminate the entire nation. The plan was partially implemented because the most important part of the Polish intellectual and cultural elites was eliminated. The work of destruction was also completed by the Bolsheviks, who in agreement with the Germans occupied the eastern part of Poland. After the war, when the country fell under the influence of the USSR, de facto becoming a fictitious state, the communists took control of all aspects of life. For over 40 years of the People’s Republic of Poland, the principle of „mediocre but faithful” was the main determinant of careers in many aspects of life. These pseudo-elites shaped by the Polish People’s Republic or their successors are still stuck in the bloodstream of the state.

The country has largely recovered from the devastation, but has not yet rebuilt its intellectual potential or its elites. Material degradation has brought permanent poverty in areas related to science, education and culture, where most wonder how to earn extra money for an unworthy salary, instead of thinking about creative and innovative solutions. And where the mentality of scarcity dominates, the career ladder is climbed the fastest by all sorts of slyboots, sociopaths and careerists, carefully watching that no one questions their incompetence. This is also a legacy of many years of degradation of the state and society. Today, we are a country with a marginal role in world culture and science. While it is difficult to make a breakthrough in science, we would have a lot to say in culture. The only thing missing is the consolidation of forces and resources, (but more about that another time).

September this year is as sunny as it was in 1939 and still encourages reflection. So many years have passed. With great effort, Poland has been made a modest but beautiful, good and safe place to live, thanks to the extraordinary resourcefulness of ordinary people. All that is missing is the most important act – compensation for the wrongs done so that we can forgive and regain what was deprived of us by those who want to play first fiddle in Europe today and lead it to… well… where are we actually heading ???

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